Fungus and insect diseases can be present in a tree at anytime and sometime come on quickly without warning. For the people who pay close attention to their trees here are some pointers to be able to tell what kind of disease you might have in your tree. The two biggest factors to the decline and eventual death of a tree are fungus' and insect damage. Luckily some trees to not have multiple diseases that kill them. For other trees you could find yourself playing a guessing game. Most people would opt to treat with a insecticide and a fungicide if they did not know what was happening with the tree. Fortunately you can take the guess work out of it if you know the signs.
Some trees like oaks have both fungal and insect diseases that kill trees in rapid rates. Oak wilt and two lined chestnut borer together kill a vast majority of these trees. Here are the generic signs that your tree has either a fungal disease or a insect disease.
Fungus or insect problem?
Fungal Disease Signs
Widespread damage.
Dieback starting with lead branch
Leaf spotting or needle spotting
Rapid leaf loss
Leaves brown and fall to the ground
Similar trees around area showing same signs
Insect Disease Signs
Slow digression of tree
Sporatic branches dying one by one
Woodpeckers present
Leaves brown up and stay on the tree
Leaves dont fall
Tree grows shoots from bottom of tree or on branches
Grass browning around tree
Tree loosing small dead branches 1" in diameter
Although these are good signs of a disease all diseases do not affect a tree the same. Some can kill a tree in a week and other will take years to take effect. The one common rule is that no tree dies of just old age. Disease always kills a a tree and trees get stronger with age unlike humans and other living creatures. If you are wondering about you tree and the health of it feel free to contact us by filling out the form below.
Other factors in trees health
While disease usually kills trees insects are usually attracted to weakened trees. Fungal diseases take out a tree that is weakened much faster than a health strong tree. Some of the factors that cause a tree to be suseptable are common sence but others the average person will not think about. Here are some factors both human induced and naturally occuring.
Overwatering and flooding
PH balance of soil
Nutrient leeching from soil
Hard soil with little areation
Landscaping and moving soils
Cutting roots
Adding mulch or rocks around trees
Shrubs and or planting around trees.
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