At Arbor Doctor we like to keep you informed on new diseases that are affecting our native trees as they happen. We inform you on diseases and issues that do not show up in your paper or on your local news. Pine Dieback has become an issue in many cities in a variety of different pine trees.
The pictures on this page include some of the very popular pine trees that get this disease and what the symptoms look like. Pine dieback is a fungal disease that starts near the edge of all pine varieties. Like many fungal diseases pine dieback tends to show its symptoms in the early spring and in the fall.
Spruce have been the hardest hit trees so far. Signs of this disease can be found often in every spruce tree on an entire block. This disease is very serious like all fungus diseases and can be treated with fungicides that can be purchased by pesticide applicators.
While this disease has been recognized in man states and even other countries this was not a big issue in Minnesota until just recently.
Things to look for in your pine trees:
1. Needles turning rusty color. Looking dead.
2. Crown dieback
3. Loss of needle around bottom of tree and edges
4. Thinning of needles on tree
Pine Dieback
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