Locust trees are very healthy in their mature state. When they are first planted by a homeowner they can suffer greatly from iron chlorosis. The leaves will start turning yellow and will fall off in time. Depending on how stressed the tree is this can happen in the course of months. Or it could take a couple years for the tree to die off completely. But if you ever see your tree turning yellow in the spring or summer it is a major concern for instant action. to be taken.
Locust trees have some minor diseases that usually kill off portions or branches of their trees. Some fungus diseases cause wilt on the leaves similar to the pictures to the right of the page. Locust trees are fast growing trees and once you get past the early stages of growth they require little to no maintenance. Well except cleaning up all of the dead little twigs that will fall out of the tree. They are a very heavy wood and grow very sporadically so they are not cause for wind damage unless the winds are very high.
Things to look for in your Locust Trees are:
- Leaves turning yellow in the spring or summer (serious problem)
Common Name: Honey locust
Scientific name: Gleditsia triacanthos
Leaves: Bipinnate and compound, leaflets are .6-1" in size.
Bark: Throns grow from the branches, the bark is tough and grey.
Height: 65-100" max
Spread: 50-70'
General info: Honey locust trees have very hard wood and are known for the thorns on the branches. They are known to be a messy tree as they have many cycles of drop including small leaves, large seed pods, flowers, and dead sticks. Live up to be 150 years old and can become a good shade tree.