Arbor doctor has been serving Apple Valley and the surround communities since its inception. We are now able to treat more diseases and help our neighbors out with great prices on tree treatment. This last year we started teaming with other tree services to help refer out good tree services. Arbor doctor does not trim or remove trees but our referral page in Apple Valley will help you locate only the best. Arbor doctor is a licensed tree care provider in Apple Valley and only refers out licensed tree care providers. Our certified arborists can diagnose any disease and treat it at a price that cannot be beaten. If you have a sick tree in Apple Valley arbor doctor should be your first call.
Emerald ash borer may not have spread to Apple valley as of yet but its neighbors to the north have. Apple Valley may be more known for another disease that looks like emerald ash borer. It effects the same types of trees and makes round holes in the bark of the ash trees. These holes can be found at the base of the tree and are from a native borer. Arbor doctor uses only the finest of chemicals to help save your ash trees from this harmful insect as well as emerald ash borer. And the best news is that the same chemical will kill both insects. And any other insects that may do damage to your valuable ash trees. Emerald ash borer will be a problem in our state and it is important that you learn about the disease and the trees that it effects. Our methods have been proven to save trees at over a 99% rate.
Arbor doctor serves the following zip codes in Apple Valley MN: 55124
Call Arbor Doctor today to have one of our arborist out for a free tree diagnosis!