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Arbor Doctor provides tree treatments in the city of Elk River MN. We are excited to expand our service area to include Elk River and surrounding communities. We help cure sick trees of many different diseases. Our certified arborists are able to diagnose and successfully treat any tree for any disease. We are pretreating ash trees for emerald ash borer and treating Dutch elm disease, two lined chestnut borer and oak wilt actively in Elk River. Japanese beetles have been spreading throughout the twin cities but have not shown up in Elk River as of now. These pest are active in a variety of pages. Visit the Japanese beetle page to learn more about these pest and the trees that they infect. Arbor doctor does not trim or remove trees. If you are in need of these services visit our Referral Page.
Apple scab is a current disease in just about every apple tree in Minnesota. This is a problem in Elk River MN as well. Apple scab is treated in the spring by spraying. Arbor Doctor provides the best treatment at the best prices. Get your apple trees sprayed today to prevent apple scab. Apple scab can kill a tree after years of leaf loss. Learn more about apple scab and the trees that it effects at the Crab Apple Page.
Arbor doctor treats trees in the following Elk River MN zip codes: 55330
Call arbor doctor today for a free tree diagnosis today