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Problem with tree(s)
If you live in Arden Hills MN and you are in need of tree treatments or have a sick tree Arbor Doctor should be your first call. Our certified arborists can treat any tree for any disease. We have finally expanded our service area to now include Arden Hills and the surrounding areas. We offer the best price guarentee on tree treatments. We do not offer trimming or removal services. If you are in need of these services Arbor Doctor works with some of the best tree services and can be found at our referal page.
Arbor Doctor works with the best chemicals and the least invasive system to treat trees effectively. Our system is a direct injection into the living layer of the tree. The system does not require drilling holes into the tree like many other systems. It also does not require dumping chemicals into the soil which can harm our water.
Arden hills MN does not have any confirmed cases of emerald ash borer as of yet. But with many findings in St. Paul; Arden Hills is a great place to protect your value trees from this harmful insect. If you are wanting to learn more about emerald ash borer and the trees that it effects check out the emerald ash borer page. Many other diseases harm the trees of Arden Hills and it is important to learn about what trees get what diseases. Our Homeowners guide to trees and the diseases that effect them is a great place to learn how to diagnose problems.
Arbor Doctor works in the the following zip codes in Arden Hills: 55126, 55112
If you have a sick tree in Arden Hills cal Arbor Doctor today!