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Problem with tree(s)
If you live in Blaine MN and you have a problem with a tree call the experts at Arbor Doctor. We have now included Blaine to our service area and can help you take care of your trees. Our tree treatments are environmentally friendly and have been proven effective in many tests. Our certified arborists are able to treat any disease that you have in a tree. If you are looking for tree trimming or removal refer to out Blaine Tree Service Page. Here you can find qualified tree service experts in your area. Many problems are in Blaine and you can learn more about the trees of Minnesota and the diseases that effect them in our Homeowners Guide to the diseases of Minnesota trees.
Blaine MN is not in the immediate infestation area of Emerald Ash Borer as of now. It is still important to treat valuable trees up to three years before infestation to ensure the best chance of success. If you are wanting to learn more about this pest and the damage that it does to ash trees check out the emerald ash borer page. Emerald ash borer will be a major problem to the trees in our state and there are nearly a billion ash trees in our state. Teamed with many other native ash borers it is important to notice the early signs to ensure that your tree has a chance at surviving one of these pests.
Arbor doctor services the following zip codes in Blaine MN: 55449, 55434
Call the experts at arbor doctor today to save any tree from disease.