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Problem with tree(s)
Minnetonka MN residents have been using Arbor Doctor since its inception. We are a licensed tree care company in the city of Minnetonka. Our certified arborists are able to diagnose and treat any trees. Some of the major problems that exist in Minnetonka are apple scab, oak wilt, dutch elm disease, and two lined chestnut borer. These diseases are a major concern for the people of Minnetonka. There are many more diseases that effect trees. You can learn more about the diseases in trees at our Homeowners Guide to tree care health. Arbor doctor does not trim or remove trees. We have experts in the field that we work with and suggest that you check them out at the Minnetonka Tree Service page.
Minnetonka lies in a very unique situation. It is on the edge of the quarantined area. Wood and brush cannot be transported over county lines. Even though it is a short distance out of the county. Ash trees will be important to have treated against emerald ash borer if they are valuable. If you would like to learn more about emerald ash borer and its harmful effects on your trees visit our Emerald Ash Borer Page. Here you will learn everything you need to know about emerald ash borer. Arbor doctor uses a method that has been found to be effective in over 99% of ash trees.
Arbor Doctor treats trees in the following zip codes in Minnetonka MN: 55345, 55343, 55305
Call Arbor Doctor today for a free tree diagnosis.