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Problem with tree(s)
If you have a home on Inver Grove Heights with a sick tree Arbor Doctor should be your first choice for tree care. Our experts are trained to diagnose and treat any disease in trees. We use the finest of materials and have a method that is environmentally friendly. The method also causes the least amount of damage to the tree requiring no drilling of the trunk or roots. Furthermore our method does not require dumping harmful chemicals into the soil that often gets into our water system. Arbor doctor has been treating many diseases in the trees in Inver Grove Heights MN. These diseases include emerald ash borer pretreat, oak wilt, Dutch elm disease, apple scab, Japanese beetles and many other diseases. Arbor doctor is a licensed tree care provider in the city of Inver Grove Heights. We do not trim or remove trees. If you are looking for these services please go to the Inver Grove Heights Tree Service Page.
Inver Grove Heights is south of St. Paul and is very close to the quarantined area of Ramsey County. Valuable ash trees in Inver Grove Heights should be treated against the spread of emerald ash borer and other native borers in the area. Many borers have been found in the neighboring communities of Rosemount, Apple Valley and Eagan. These insects are most likely also found in the trees of Inver Grove Heights. You can learn more about emerald ash borer and its effects on trees by visiting the emerald ash borer page.
Arbor doctor treats sick trees in the following zip codes of Inver Grove Heights: 55076, 55077
Call Arbor Doctor today for a free tree diagnosis!