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Eagan MN has been a service area of Arbor Doctor since the inception of the company. In the past years we have seen many diseases effect this area. Emerald ash borer is present within miles of Eagan and it is important to protect these trees against disease. Arbor doctor uses the least invasive method available to treat sick trees against disease. This method is environmentally friendly and the best method to get medicine to the tree. We have also noticed verticillium wilt, oak wilt, two lined chestnut borer, apple scab and dutch elm disease in Eagan. Bronze birch borer may be one of the worst pests in the city as its effects can be seen in most paper birch trees. Arbor doctor does not trim or remove trees. If you are looking for these services go to our Eagan Tree Service page.
Emerald ash borer has not been detected in Eagan as of yet. With the infestation right on the boarder it is very important to treat any valuable trees against this harmful pest. Arbor doctor can determine the value of a tree and understands financial responsibility as treatment methods can be expensive. We do offer the best price on treatments so customers can feel good knowing that they are getting a superior method with the best in knowledge at an unbeatable price.
While emerald ash borer is a problem and will be very important Eagan MN ash trees have a much more current and equally devastating problem. Best news is that the borers that are native to Minnesota and are doing damage to these trees requires the same chemical treatment as emerald ash borer. This means that your cemically treated tree will be safe from all borers with treatment from arbor doctor.
Arbor doctor treats trees in Eagan MN in the following zip codes: 55120, 55121, 55122, 55123
Call arbor doctor today for a free diagnosis of your trees