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Problem with tree(s)
Arbor doctor has been working with the people of Lakeville MN to help prevent many diseases since the beginning of the company. We have found many problems and are helping to remedy sick trees in Lakeville. Arbor doctor is a licensed tree care company in Lakeville and offers the best in chemical treatments for the trees. Our method is environmentally friendly and does the least damage to trees requiring no harmful drilling. Our chemicals have been found to be 99% successful and higher in field studies. We are pretreating valuable ash trees in Lakeville to ensure emerald ash borer does not kill off the nice ash trees. Arbor doctor does not trim or remove trees. If you are looking for this service check out our Lakeville Tree Service Referral Page. Here you will find qualified tree services that are licensed like arbor doctor in Lakeville.
Two major problems occur in Lakeville MN that might be the worst in the state of Minnesota. These two problems unfortunately effect the same type of tree. The two problems effect the beautiful oak trees of Minnesota. White oaks are often effected the most by the insect disease called Two-Lined Chestnut borer. The red oaks usually are claimed by a very well known disease called oak wilt. Both are serious problems but effects trees much differently and need to be treated properly otherwise it is often very expensive to treat trees for both diseases and fiscally irresponsible. In the case of red oaks it is often important to dual treat these trees to ensure no problems can occur.
Arbor Doctor services the following zip codes of Lakeville MN: 55044
If you have a tree problem in Lakville MN give arbor doctor a call today for a free tree diagnosis!